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ADRILINK Newsletter No.2 – OUT NOW!

ADRILINK E-Newsletter Issue No.2 – OUT NOW!

July 19, 2021

The ADRILINK (Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network) program presents the second issue of its newsletter, with highlights and updates from some of the partners involved in the project. In it, you’ll find updates from the Steering Committee Technical session, as well as the Adriatic Landscape Day events organized in Moščenička Draga, and the Link Labs in Sremska Mitrovica, Gradiška and Murska Sobota. 

ADRILINK aims to promote Landscape Tourism in Adriatic Region through the creation of a network of Landscape Interpretation Centres, conceived as nodal points of selected thematic paths and routes, digitally connected through an ICT platform.

Click here to read the full newsletter issue.