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Pink Day Event

On Saturday 04.07.20. starting from 18:00h Imagine-spirits distillery will present their Aronia PINK ROBIN gin, recently awarded as one of the best gins in the world. Don’t miss out the opportunity to taste one of the world best gin originally from Vrsar and meet its creators.

IMAGINE SPIRITS DISTILLERY is located few Km from the sea, nearby the town of Vrsar surrounded by olives trees and vineyards, the distillery has been built according to eco-friendly standards;  In the distillation process the producers do not burn any combustible, and most of the electricity is produced by a photovoltaic solar system.

In order to preserve as much as possible the aroma and fragrances of the precious botanical Imagine Spirits have developed their own distillation process, with double vapour infusion, using a customised handmade copper pot still.  They distil single shot batches of just 200 bottles.
Most of the botanical are organic and sourced locally, and they do NOT use any essence, sugar, artificial colourant and sweeteners.

Date and time: Saturday 04.07.2020. at 18:00h
Place: Lounge bar Velum, Obala maršala Tita 1a, Vrsar

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originated from Vrsar - awarded among the top 11 gin's in the world!