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Edo Murtić

Edo Murtić, one of the greatest Croatian painters was inspired by Vrsar landscapes, especially by the “Montraker” stone-pit. He used to spend most of the year in Vrsar in his summerhouse-studio, situated in the most beautiful part of the old town. 

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Edo Murtić (1921. - 2005.)

Many contemporary art lovers have had the opportunity to see Edo Murtić’s exhibits, on all continents, where he had over 50 own and 300 collective exhibitions. Besides painting Murtić accomplished significant achievement in scenography, mosaic, graphics and graphic design. The fact that such an artist chose Vrsar for his second home was a big compliment to this beautiful town, captured in memory on Murtić’s paintings.

Vrsar captured in memory on Murtić’s paintings.

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