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Squid and courgette

Squid (1 squid per portion)
Dehydrated onions
Smoked paprika

Clean the squid and cut into narrow strips. Cut the squid strips width-way, because if you cut lengthwise, they will curl and ill not look like spaghetti. After cutting, leave the squid to drain. Cut the courgette into thin strips i.e. julienne (best just the outer side with skin on it).

On a hot griddle or a grill pan place first the courgettes and after a few minutes, add the squid strips. Season all with salt. Grill the courgettes and squid on the griddle or the grill pan on high heat so that the juices remain in them, thus retaining their succulence.
Serve the squid and courgette spaghetti in a bowl, sprinkling it with some dehydrated onion and smoked paprika as desired.