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Interview on Radio Centar Studio Poreč:
Listen to the interview by Tea Stifanic on Interreg ADRILINK:Participative process in the Municipality of Vrsar

ADRILINK E-Newsletter Issue No.4 – OUT NOW!

April 1st, 2022

The ADRILINK (Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network) program is pleased to present the fourth issue of its newsletter, with highlights and updates from some of the partners involved in the project. 

ADRILINK aims to promote Landscape Tourism in Adriatic Region through the creation of a network of Landscape Interpretation Centres, conceived as nodal points of selected thematic paths and routes, digitally connected through an ICT platform.

Click here to read the full newsletter issue.

The 5th Steering Committee Meeting,
November 19, 2021

The 5th Steering Committee Meeting took place on 18 November, 2021 in Venice, Italy following the Transnational Conference on Landscape. The meeting was called by the project coordinator, the Municipality of Jesi, and was attended by all project partners, both physically and online via Zoom. During the meeting, the attendees discussed WP T1- Designing Guidelines for Developing Landscape Interpretation Center, WP T2- Implementation of LICs and Establishment of the Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network, WP T3- Implementation of the ITC Infrastructure to Support LICs Network, WPC and WPM. The meeting was effective and successful, with great participation and engagement from all project partners.

The Transnational Conference on Landscape and Sustainable Tourism
November 18, 2021

The Transnational Conference on Landscape and Sustainable Tourism was held in Venice, on the premises of IUAV in 18 November 2021. The conference was organized by project partner CORILA – Consortium for Managing Research Activities in the Venice lagoon. More than 40 representatives from project partners countries accompanied by project staff attended the sessions of the Conference. The first session of the Conference dealt with descriptions and discussions of the concept of landscape in the light of the European Convention and the resulted initiatives, methodologies and proposals. Meantime the other sessions dealt with management tools and models to support Landscape Interpretation Center as well as elements for an integrated strategy oriented to landscape interpretation for sustainable tourism. Project partners had the possibility to get acquainted with the experiences and share their thoughts and opinions through discussions and Q&A sessions.

Virtual Meeting with all ADRILINK WP Leaders,
September 14, 2021

On 14-th of September, 2021, Lead partner and ADRILINK Team called a virtual meeting with all WP Leaders of the ADRILINK project. The objective of this meeting was to discuss the state of the art of project activities included in WPC, WP2 and WP3. The discussion was based on the deliverables reached or planned on the above-mentioned work packages. Discussions on the draft program and possible date for the organization of the International Conference in Venice took place also during the meeting. The conclusions of the meeting provided the next steps to be undertaken by each WP leader for a successful realization of project activities in order to evidence better any gap and/or delay in the implementation.

ADRILINK E-Newsletter Issue No.2 – OUT NOW!

July 19, 2021

The ADRILINK (Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network) program presents the second issue of its newsletter, with highlights and updates from some of the partners involved in the project. In it, you’ll find updates from the Steering Committee Technical session, as well as the Adriatic Landscape Day events organized in Moščenička Draga, and the Link Labs in Sremska Mitrovica, Gradiška and Murska Sobota. ADRILINK aims to promote Landscape Tourism in Adriatic Region through the creation of a network of Landscape Interpretation Centres, conceived as nodal points of selected thematic paths and routes, digitally connected through an ICT platform.
Click here to read the full newsletter issue.

Landscape Days in Mošćenička Draga

July 9th, 2021

The Municipality of Mošćenička Draga held a series of public events to introduce the public to the concept and values of the landscape for the purpose of tourism development.

1st Link Lab in the City of Gradiska

June 21st, 2021

On 11 June, 2021, our project partner City of Gradiska organized the first Link Lab workshop “Interpretation as a joint management tool” in premises of Local Administration and Cultural Centre. The workshop was organized with the aim of promoting project activities and including relevant stakeholders in co-creation of Landscape Interpretation Centre and mapping cultural and natural resources.

More than 50 participants, representatives of the public, private and NGO sector were included in activities with the aim to participate in joint development of the new tourism product of the city of Gradiška.

Adriatic Landscape Day in the City of Gradiska

June 21st, 2021

On June 4, 2021, our project partner City of Gradiška organized within the framework of Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network its first public event “Adriatic Landscape Day”. The event was structured in three main phases:

i. the plenary conference

ii. three thematic tables of discussion

iii. participatory mapping

The event aimed at promoting project activities and including relevant stakeholders in co-creation of Landscape Interpretation Centre and mapping cultural and natural resources.

Stakeholder Involvement in the Pomurje Region

June 17th, 2021

Development Centre Murska Sobota organized three online workshops within the Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network, aiming at involving key regional stakeholders in the co-creation of the Landscape Interpretation Centre, but also the encouragement for more exchange and collaboration between regional stakeholders, tourism operators, and local vendors.

The first workshop was of introductory nature. The local Adrilink project team presented key objectives and activities of the project and invited the stakeholders to engage with one another and the project team to imagine and design an innovative and exciting pilot action.

The second and the third workshop were thematic and focused on the interpretation and tourism development opportunities of the Mura River area, a UNESCO designated Biosphere Reserve.

More than 50 participants from selected organizations took part in these meetings, shared their insight and experience, and agreed to collaborate closely in all the Adrilink activities in the Pomurje region.

Moreover, they pledged their support to Development Centre Murska Sobota to lead the process of the establishing of the Mura Nature Park.

IV Steering Committee Meeting

June 10th, 2021

On June 9, 2021, the Steering Committee got together for their 4th meeting. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the meeting took place online. During the meeting, the Steering Committee focused on several agenda points, such as: “WPC- Communication and Dissemination” in which PP3-ADF provided a brief update on the communication activities and deliverables, “WP T1 – Designing Guidelines for Developing Landscape” in which PP2-CORILA updated all project partners on the activities and deliverables in terms of Interpretation Center, “WP T2 – Implementation of LICs and Establishment of the Adriatic Landscape” in which PP8-Vrsar Tourist Board provided an overview in regards to all the activities of the T2 Implementation work package, “WP T2 – Project Partners Idea” in which all partners shared their landscape ideas and the activities to be implemented at local level, “WP T2 Implementation of LICs: Financial issues” in which Eurocube srl gave a financial presentation of the WP T2 budget. The meeting concluded with a round table session for any questions the partners had in regards to the meeting.

2nd ADRILINK Link Lab in Sremska Mitrovica

June 5th, 2021

On 4 June 2021, the second Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network LINK LAB workshop for tourism associates was held on Salas Isailova by the Turistička organizacija Grada Sremska Mitrovica, with the support of the City Administration of Sremska Mitrovica. Along with experienced and highly motivated lecturers in the field of tourism, design and landscape management, participants had the opportunity to hear and learn through the analysis of cultural and natural heritage landscapes in Sremska Mitrovica and their use in creating tourist itineraries. culture and tourism for the success of one route / destination.

This workshop was an opportunity to remind participants of the natural and cultural resources located in the city, with special emphasis on the potential of ancient Sirmium, Zasavica Special Nature Reserve, Fruška gora and nautical and rural tourism as a basis for developing the tourist offer.

Adriatic Landscape Day in Sremska Mitrovica

June 4th, 2021

Adriatic Landscape Day in Sremska Mitrovica is one of a series of similar international events whose purpose is to create a common vision of landscape as a source of local development. As part of the ADRILINK project- Interpretation network of Adriatic landscape carried out by Tourist Organization of the City of Sremska Mitrovica, supported by the Sremska Mitrovica City Administration, the Adriatic Landscape Day event was held on 2 June, 2021, within the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve.

At the beginning of the event, the director of Tourism Organization of the City of Sremska Mitrovica, Dusan Drca, addressed all participants and visitors. During his speech, he pointed out that it is very important for the city of Sremska Mitrovica to be part of an international project through which it will overcome seasonal character of tourist offer.
In the words of Svetlana Sabo, a member of the project team, the goal of this and similar other gatherings that follow, is the joint vision of landscape as the source of local development of the Mediterranean-Adriatic-Ionian economy. The project itself implies using modern information and communication technologies that brings new tourists closer to the tourist destinations and make them more attractive.

In order to reach the potential of the area, there were three round table discussions held and a plenary conference where lecturers presented best examples of landscapes that will motivate guests from Serbia but also the whole world to visit all year round. At the end of each round table discussion, participants took their questions to the open panel where exhibitors answered the questions asked and all participants took part in the discussion. At the end of the event, the most important elements of landscape were mapped through questionnaires in order to set up a framework for the development and promotion of the destination of the city of Sremska Mitrovica.
An suitable program was organized for all visitors of the Special Nature Reserve Zasavica, promoting the tourist offer of the City of Sremska Mitrovica, including a cultural and entertainment program, as well as content for children.

1st ADRILINK Link Lab workshop in Sremska Mitrovica

May 12th, 2021

On 11 May, 2021, the Turistička organizacija Grada Sremska Mitrovica held the first Link Lab workshop, organised within the framework of Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network. The activity was greeted by the Director of the Tourist Organization of the City of Sremska Mitrovica, Dušan Drče, who emphasized the importance of the ADRILINK project, both for the development of the city and the whole tourist offer. Participants in the workshop, interested parties in tourism at large, tourist development holders of the Sremska Mitrovica in the field of old and traditional crafts, hospitality, archaeology, cultural heritage and other related areas had the opportunity to get acquainted with basic information regarding the ADRILINK project and the specific results that are being achieved through the project.

ADRILINK E-Newsletter Issue No.1 – OUT NOW!

April 2nd, 2021

The ADRILINK (Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network) program is pleased to present the first issue of its newsletter, with highlights and updates from some of the partners involved in the project. In it, you’ll find updates from the first kick-off meeting with all partners, the Steering Committee Technical session, as well as the Adriatic Landscape Day events organized in Mitrovica in Serbia, in Tepelene in Albania, and in Valbone in Albania.

ADRILINK aims to promote Landscape Tourism in Adriatic Region through the creation of a network of Landscape Interpretation Centres, conceived as nodal points of selected thematic paths and routes, digitally connected through an ICT platform.

Click here to read the full newsletter issue.