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Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the graveyard in Gradina

It was built in 1746 and restored in 1881. It is a building with a single nave and altar. It houses an altar base and six tombstones in the floor. It is a graveyard church for the graveyard of the Parish of Gradina, having once served as a graveyard chapel.

Very little is known about the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the graveyard in Gradina.

Gradina Groblje

Very little is known about this church. It was built in 1746 as a building with a single nave and altar, and two small windows on the lateral walls. There is a bell-cot on its façade. In that year, tombstones with inscriptions were built into the floor. The church was restored in 1881 and also houses an altar base. The first purpose of the church was a sepulchral one since it can be stated with a high degree of certainty that it was built to house the tombs of Gradina officials who died in March 1746, most likely during the smallpox epidemic. On 10 December 2003, the Reverend Josip Kalčić listed the tombstone inscriptions, all of which date to the year 1746.